
How to calculate the real area of the apartment?


Determining the actual area of an apartment is crucial when making a purchase. Despite its importance, many buyers are unaware of the methods used for calculating space, leading to misconceptions and false expectations.


Various principles are employed in the market for calculating apartment area, but it's essential to emphasize that there is only one fair and logical method of calculation.


Of course, this principle is also adhered to by the city's official architecture service. According to this principle, the total area of the apartment is determined by considering the internal perimeter of adjacent partitions belonging to neighboring tenants. This perimeter defines the full space, known as the useful space. Additionally, the area of the balcony is added to calculate the total apartment area.


However, relying solely on the principle of internal partitions for calculating apartment area may not be effective, as these partitions can be altered along with changes in the apartment's layout.


To ensure a clear understanding of the actual space purchased, it's essential to ask several important questions before signing the contract:



  1. How does a particular development company calculate space?

Make sure that internal partitions or load-bearing walls are not counted either, since load-bearing walls are part of the common area.

  1. Where is the contour, according to which the area of the apartment is considered?

This will help us know exactly where our personal space is.

  1. How is the balcony fee calculated?

The calculation of the balcony fee is a subject of agreement between the tenant and the development company, so it is important that you know from the beginning what conditions are offered to you.



Asking these questions beforehand will help us prevent disappointments and provide us with a precise understanding of the type and amount of space we are purchasing.

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